The technology used is the eye tracking, a pioneer in the field, and appears as an alternative to traditional polygraph used to detect lies.
Instead, he uses eye movement to detect lies, and instead of measuring the emotional reaction of a person, the technology of eye tracking measures the person's cognitive reaction.
To complete the test, researchers recorded the number of measurements before the true and false responses on a computer. The measures include pupil dilation, the response time, time reading and rereading, and errors.
The researchers concluded that the lie that people have more work than to tell the truth, for a dishonest person has dilated pupils and takes longer to read and answer questions.
The reactions are measured in minutes.
"The method of tracking the eye to detect lies has great potential," said Gerald Sanders, one of the researchers of the project.
"It's a national security issue for our government agencies should have the best and most advanced methods for distinguishing truth from fiction, and we believe we are addressing this need for special licensing of research conducted at the University of Utah," adds.