In the interview, comprehensive in subject matter, Hopper also talks in the presidential elections of 2000, which voted for Bush and explains why. "Who would I rather have by my side in a battle?" Wonders. And immediately replies: "Bush!" I like Clinton and Obama "is justified.
In the interview, Hopper admits it feels to live in one of the worst phases of the history of the United States of America. At the same time, shows dislike the current situation when the country plunged, marked by excessive conservatism, "as though the 60 had not happened at all."
The actor, who was married to five women, still recalls with some irony and good mood most intimate moments, like the day they "divorced" from the also actress Brooke Hayward. It was inside the car, while driving to the airport where we caught the plane in the direction of New Orleans to record the movie Easy Rider. "It's over," both said in unison.
Dennis Hopper defined itself first and foremost, as an actor. "I made my living as an actor, I love acting, so I'm an actor."
The artist died in May 2010, a victim of prostate cancer.